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The Hawk of New York
Hundred Thousand Crossroads (single)

The Hawk of New York: Hundred Thousand Crossroads

The Hawk of New York: Hundred Thousand Crossroads (single) (CPR-1102)
The Hundred Thousand Crossroads single is an enhanced CD single featuring two versions of the official theme song brimming with extras like the official animated music video, three comic book PDFs including issues one and two of The Hawk of New York, an hour long podcast interview with Hawk of New York creator Randyl Bishop, and more!  CDs ship on March 13, 2015.

1. Hundred Thousand Crossroads (Eric's
    Theme) (Randyl Bishop)
2. Hundred Thousand Crossroads (Live at
    M.A.D. Studios) (Randyl Bishop)

- Music Video
- "I LIke Comics" Podcast (MP3)
- Exclusive Desktop Wallpapers
- Digital Issues 1 & 2 of the comic book
- Original 1992 Hawk of New York story

The Hawk of New York: Hundred Thousand Crossroads CD: $5


(Shipping is currently only
available to the USA.
The total cost for shipping is
just $4 regardless of the
number of CDs ordered.)